YG/UFN Community Housing Plan
Hitacu, BC
The Yuułuʔiłʔaḥ Community Housing project is to provide more affordable, family-oriented and adaptable rental housing on UFN Treaty Settlement Lands in the community of hitac̓u, located on the east shore of Ucluelet Inlet. The rental housing will be 100% rent-geared-to-income for Elders, families and individuals. The focus will be on adaptable units to support independent living and designed to the current BC Building Code (2024) and the BC Housing Design Standards and Construction Guidelines.
The concept is designed to meet the Yuułuʔiłʔaḥ Community Housing Design Principles:
Environmental stewardship – Net-zero ready building design, reduced vehicle parking.
Financial sustainability – cost efficient design strategies, flexible space designs with diverse revenue sources and reduced long-term operating expenses.
Design excellence – responding to site and community context with unique design; balancing environmental targets, costs, and other client-communicated values.
Community benefits – accessibility standards, meeting needs of diverse communities including underrepresented and marginalized groups.
The concept design is suitable for both on-site stick-built construction and/or off-site pre-fabricated or modular construction and provides an opportunity to apply project-specific standard floor plans. The building orientations on site support a solar PV or solar thermal approach to renewable energy. Construction details that are mindful of efficient layouts and minimize material wastage will be developed later in the design development phase once project funding is secured and the construction method is selected.